Heavy lift cranes

Project Cargo and Heavy Lift Shore Cranes - 2 x 208 tons - in tandem > 300 tons - also for rent

RHB – Rotterdam has purchased the world’s most powerful mobile harbour cranes. These cranes have a lifting capacity of 208 tons and are designed for safe and fast handling of industrial break bulk, project cargo, heavy lifts and general cargo. Savings in transhipment time of up to fifty percent can also be realised and further no mobilisation expenses will be charged.  A big advantage.

208-ton Mobile Heavy Lift Crane LHM 600S perfect suitable for heavy lift, project cargo and breakbulk

Type: Liebherr LHM 600-S Project Cargo & Heavy Lift Crane.
Lifting Cap: 208 tons at 21 metres, 50 tons at 58 metres.
Radius: 58 metres max.
Lifting height: 45 metres max.
In Tandem; > 300 m/tons

208-ton Mobile Heavy Lift Crane LHM 600 perfect suitable for heavy lift, project cargo and breakbulk

Type: Liebherr LHM 600 Project Cargo & Heavy Lift Crane.
Lifting Cap: 208 tons at 18 metres, 48 tons at 58 metres.
Radius: 58 metres max.
Lifting height: 45 metres max.
In Tandem; > 300 m/tons

144-ton Mobile Heavy Lift Crane LHM 550 perfect suitable for heavy lift, project cargo and breakbulk

Type: Liebherr LHM 550 Project Cargo & Heavy Lift Crane.
Lifting Cap: 144 tons at 21 metres, 41 tons at 54 metres.
Radius: 54 metres max.
Lifting height: 45 metres max.
In Tandem; 216 tons

Besides our own heavy lift cranes, we use our own electrical shorecranes and partner floating cranes for the handling of heavies up to 2.200 tons capacity or higher if combined lifting is possible and ofcourse the ships cranes where available.

Our sweet water RHB Terminal is quiet, calm and central located. Due to our location we have no expensive mobilisation expenses.


Our advantages

  • Excellent location + facilities  – Since 1930
  • All berths in quiet, calm, sweet water harbour basin
  • 730 metres deep sea quay length with direct sea connection without bridges or locks
  • 2 x 208 tons + 144 tons high speed heavy lift harbour mobile cranes, > 300 tons tandem – twin lift
  • saving in transhipment time of up to 50 percent!
  • 6 high speed multi-purpose electrical cranes up to 55 tons capacity + handling heavy lifts up to 2.200 tons or more – No expensive mobilisation expenses at our berth.
  • 100% pure stevedoring – 100% independent!

  • Skilled, professional, experienced and very importantly, flexible labour
  • Warehouse doors up to 10 metres width
  • Project cargo and heavy lift -heavy duty– storage space, fenced and paved
  • Warehouse space, heavy lift centre, Brexit goods, L.M.E. quality
  • Lashing & Securing, LSD, Welding, Grinding by professional partners
  • Optimized truck exit for a.o. Windmill Blades and Windmill Towers
  • Weighbridge Waalhaven for weighing containers acc. to SOLAS/VGM, next to our terminal
  • Customs VAT Transit + Entrepot Warehouse & Storage space
  • AEO Certified – ISPS certified – Double rail connection
  • Lifting your cargoes faster – Quick dispatch